She'll Be Coming Round the Future

-bō, -bis, -bit... singular! (clap x2)
-bimus, -bitis, -bunt... plural! (clap x2)
-bō, -bis, -bit, -bimus, -bitis, -bunt!
Future active endings!
One and Two! (clap x2)

amābō, amābis, amābit, (clap x2)
amābimus, amābitis, amābunt! (clap x2)
I will love, you will love, he will love,
We will love, ye will love, they will love. (clap x2)

-bō, -bis, -bit... singular! (clap x2)
-bimus, -bitis, -bunt... plural! (clap x2)
-bō, -bis, -bit, -bimus, -bitis, -bunt!
Future active endings!
One and Two! (clap x2)

monēbō, monēbis, monēbit, (clap x2)
monēbimus, monēbitis, monēbunt! (clap x2)
I will warn, you will warn, he will warn,
We will warn, ye will warn, they will warn. (clap x2)

-am, -ēs, -et... singular! (clap x2)
-ēmus, -ētis, -ent... plural! (clap x2)
-am, -ēs, -et, -ēmus, -ētis, -ent!
Future active endings!
Three and Four! (clap x2)

legam, legēs, leget, (clap x2)
legēmus, legētis, legent! (clap x2)
I will read, you will read, he will read,
We will read, ye will read, they will read! (clap x2)

-am, -ēs, -et... singular! (clap x2)
-ēmus, -ētis, -ent... plural! (clap x2)
-am, -ēs, -et, -ēmus, -ētis, -ent!
Future active endings!
Three and Four! [clap x2)

Capiam, capiēs, capiet, (clap x2)
capiēmus, capiētis, capient! (clap x2)
I will take, you will take, he will take,
we will take, ye will take, they will take! (clap x2)

-am, -ēs, -et... singular! (clap x2)
-ēmus, -ētis, -ent... plural! (clap x2)
-am, -ēs, -et, -ēmus, -ētis, -ent!
Future active endings!
Three and Four! (clap x2)

Audiam, audiēs, audiet, (clap x2)
audiēmus, audiētis, audient! (clap x2)
I will hear, you will hear, he will hear,
we will hear, ye will hear, they will hear! (clap x2)

-bō, -bis, -bit, -bimus, -bitis, -bunt... (clap x2)
-am, -ēs, -et, -ēmus, -ētis, -ent! (clap x2)
Future active endings!
Future active endings!
One, two, three, and four! (clap x2)

Chapter 4 - Lesson 2 - Future Active Indicative Quiz

Future Passive Indicative

-bor, -beris, -bitur... singular! (clap x2)
-bimur, -biminī, -buntur... plural! (clap x2)
-bor, -beris, -bitur, -bimur, -biminī, -buntur!
Future passive endings!
One and Two! (clap x2)

amābor - I will be loved (clap x2)
amāberis - you will be loved (clap x2)
amābitur - he will be loved
Future passive singular! (clap x2)
amābimur - we will be loved (clap x2)
amābiminī - ye will be loved (clap x2)
amābuntur - they will be loved
Future passive plural! (clap x2)

-bor, -beris, -bitur... singular! (clap x2)
-bimur, -biminī, -buntur... plural! (clap x2)
-bor, -beris, -bitur, -bimur, -biminī, -buntur!
Future passive endings!
One and Two! (clap x2)

monēbor - I will be warned (clap x2)
monēberis - you will be warned (clap x2)
monēbitur - he will be warned
Future passive singular! (clap x2)
monēbimur - we will be warned (clap x2)
monēbiminī - ye will be warned (clap x2)
monēbuntur - they will be warned
Future passive plural! (clap x2)

-ar, -ēris, ētur... singular! (clap x2)
-ēmur, -ēminī, -entur... plural! (clap x2)
-ar, -ēris, ētur, -ēmur, -ēminī, -entur!
Future passive endings!
Three and Four! (clap x2)

legar - I will be read (clap x2)
legēris - you will be read (clap x2)
legētur - he will be read
Future passive singular! (clap x2)
legēmur - we will be read (clap x2)
legēminī - ye will be read (clap x2)
legentur - they will be read
Future passive plural! (clap x2)

-ar, -ēris, ētur... singular! (clap x2)
-ēmur, -ēminī, -entur... plural! (clap x2)
-ar, -ēris, ētur, -ēmur, -ēminī, -entur!
Future passive endings!
Three and Four! (clap x2)

capiar - I will be taken (clap x2)
capiēris - you will be taken (clap x2)
capiētur - he will be taken
Future passive singular! (clap x2)
capiēmur - we will be taken (clap x2)
capiēminī - ye will be taken (clap x2)
capientur - they will be taken
Future passive plural! (clap x2)

-ar, -ēris, ētur... singular! (clap x2)
-ēmur, -ēminī, -entur... plural! (clap x2)
-ar, -ēris, ētur, -ēmur, -ēminī, -entur!
Future passive endings!
Three and Four! (clap x2)

audiar - I will be heard (clap x2)
audiēris - you will be heard (clap x2)
audiētur - he will be heard
Future passive singular! (clap x2)
audiēmur - we will be heard (clap x2)
audiēminī - ye will be heard (clap x2)
audientur - they will be heard
Future passive plural! (clap x2)

-bor, -beris, -bitur, -bimur, -biminī, -buntur! (clap x2)
-ar, -ēris, ētur, -ēmur, -ēminī, -entur! (clap x2)
Future passive endings!
Future passive endings!
One, two, three, and four! (clap x2)

14.3 Future Passive Indicative Quiz

Future Deponent Indicative

-bor, -beris, -bitur... singular! (clap x2)
-bimur, -biminī, -buntur... plural! (clap x2)
-bor, -beris, -bitur, -bimur, -biminī, -buntur!
Future deponent endings!
One and Two! (clap x2)

cōnābor - I will try (clap x2)
cōnāberis - you will try (clap x2)
cōnābitur - he will try
Future deponent singular! (clap x2)
cōnābimur - we will try (clap x2)
cōnābiminī - ye will try (clap x2)
cōnābuntur - they will try
Future deponent plural! (clap x2)

-bor, -beris, -bitur... singular! (clap x2)
-bimur, -biminī, -buntur... plural! (clap x2)
-bor, -beris, -bitur, -bimur, -biminī, -buntur!
Future deponent endings!
One and Two! (clap x2)

verēbor - I will fear (clap x2)
verēberis - you will fear (clap x2)
verēbitur - he will fear
Future deponent singular! (clap x2)
verēbimur - we will fear (clap x2)
verēbiminī - ye will fear (clap x2)
verēbuntur - they will fear
Future deponent plural! (clap x2)

-ar, -ēris, ētur... singular! (clap x2)
-ēmur, -ēminī, -entur... plural! (clap x2)
-ar, -ēris, ētur, -ēmur, -ēminī, -entur!
Future deponent endings!
Three and Four! (clap x2)

ūtar - I will use (clap x2)
ūtēris - you will use (clap x2)
ūtētur - he will use
Future deponent singular! (clap x2)
ūtēmur - we will use (clap x2)
ūtēminī - ye will use (clap x2)
ūtentur - they will use
Future deponent plural! (clap x2)

-ar, -ēris, ētur... singular! (clap x2)
-ēmur, -ēminī, -entur... plural! (clap x2)
-ar, -ēris, ētur, -ēmur, -ēminī, -entur!
Future deponent endings!
Three and Four! (clap x2)

patiar - I will suffer (clap x2)
patiēris - you will suffer (clap x2)
patiētur - he will suffer
Future deponent singular! (clap x2)
patiēmur - we will suffer (clap x2)
patiēminī - ye will suffer (clap x2)
patientur - they will suffer
Future deponent plural! (clap x2)

-ar, -ēris, ētur... singular! (clap x2)
-ēmur, -ēminī, -entur... plural! (clap x2)
-ar, -ēris, ētur, -ēmur, -ēminī, -entur!
Future deponent endings!
Three and Four! (clap x2)

partiar - I will share (clap x2)
partiēris - you will share (clap x2)
partiētur - he will share
Future deponent singular! (clap x2)
partiēmur - we will share (clap x2)
partiēminī - ye will share (clap x2)
partientur - they will share
Future deponent plural! (clap x2)

-bor, -beris, -bitur, -bimur, -biminī, -buntur! (clap x2)
-ar, -ēris, ētur, -ēmur, -ēminī, -entur! (clap x2)
Future deponent endings!
Future deponent endings!
One, two, three, and four! (clap x2)

Future Deponent Quiz

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