Ō Posse! (Cielito Lindo)
Posse! Potuisse!
To be able! To have been able!
Posse! Potuisse!
Possum, potes, potest,
Possumus, potestis, possunt!
I'm able; you're able; he's able;
We're able; ye're able; they're able!
Poteram, poterās, poterat,
Poterāmus, poterātis, poterant!
I was able; you were able; he was able;
We were able; ye were able; they were able.
Poterō, poteris, poterit,
Poterimus, poteritis, poterunt!
I'll be able; you'll be able; he'll be able;
We'll be able; ye'll able; they'll be able.
Potuī, potuistī, potuit,
Potuimus, potuistis, potuērunt!
I've been able; you've been able; he's been able;
We've been able; ye've been able; they've been able.
Potueram, potuerās, potuerat,
Potuerāmus, potuerātis, potuerant!
I'd been able; you'd been able; he'd been able;
We'd been able; ye'd been able; they'd been able.
Potuerō, potueris, potuerit,
Potuerimus, potueritis, potuerint!
If I'm able; you're able; he's able;
If we're able; ye're able; they're able. [sc. in the future]
Possim, possīs, possit,
Possīmus, possītis, possint!
If I or you or he should be able;
If we... ye... they should be able:
Possem, possēs, posset,
Possēmus, possētis, possent!
If I or you or he were able;
If we... ye... they were able.
Potuerim, potueris, potuerit,
Potuerimus, potueritis, potuerint!
If I or you or he's been able;
If we... ye... they've been able.
Potuissem, potuissēs, potuisset,
Potuissēmus, potuissētis, potuissent!
If I or you or he'd been able;
If we... ye... they'd been able.
Posse! Potuisse!
To be able! To have been able!
Posse! Potuisse!
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