Present Active Subjunctive (Holy, Holy, Holy)

Present subjunctive is bizarre: wE fEAr A lIAr!
Ā to Ē and Ē to EĀ, I to Ā and Ī to IĀ.
Present subjunctive is bizarre: wE fEAr A lIAr!
Stem vowel change before the –re,
Learn this now and make my day!

Amem, amēs, amet,
Amēmus, amētis, ament:
First conjugation: present active:
Amem: I might love.
Num amem: ... whether I love.
Ut amem: ... so that I love.
Nē amem: ... lest I love.

Moneam, moneās, moneat,
Moneāmus, moneātis, moneant.
Second conjugation: present active:
Moneam: I might warn.
Num moneam: ... whether I warn.
Ut moneam: ... so that I warn.
Nē moneam: ... lest I warn.

Legam, legās, legat,
Legāmus, legātis, legant.
Third conjugation: present active:
Legam: I might read.
Num legam: ... whether I read.
Ut legam: ... so that I read.
Nē legam: ... lest I read.

Capiam, capiās, capiat,
Capiāmus, capiātis, capiant
Third -iō conjugation: present active:
Capiam: I might catch.
Num capiam: ... whether I catch.
Ut capiam: ... so that I catch.
Nē capiam: ... lest I catch.

Audiam, audiās, audiat,
Audiāmus, audiātis, audiant:
Fourth conjugation: present active.
Audiam: I might hear.
Num audiam: ... whether I hear.
Ut audiam: ... so that I hear.
Nē audiam: ... lest I hear.

Present subjunctive is bizarre: wE fEAr A lIAr!
Ā to Ē and Ē to EĀ, I to Ā and Ī to IĀ.
Present subjunctive is bizarre: wE fEAr A lIAr!
Stem vowel change before the –re,
Learn this now and make my day!

Chapter 27 - Lesson 3 - Present Subjunctive Active Quiz

Present Passive Subjunctive (Holy, Holy, Holy)

Present subjunctive is bizarre: wE fEAr A lIAr!
Ā to Ē and Ē to EĀ, I to Ā and Ī to IĀ.
Present subjunctive is bizarre: wE fEAr A lIAr!
Stem vowel change before the –re,
Learn this now and make my day!

Amer, amēris, amētur,
Amēmur, amēminī, amentur,
First conjugation: present passive.
Amer: I might be loved.
Num amer: ... whether I'm loved.
Ut amer: ... so that I'm loved.
Nē amer: ... lest I'm loved.

Monear, moneāris, moneātur,
Moneāmur, moneāminī, moneantur.
Second conjugation: present passive.
Monear: I might be warned.
Num monear: ... whether I'm warned.
Ut monear: .. so that I'm warned.
Nē monear: ... lest I'm warned.

Legar, legāris, legātur,
Legāmur, legāminī, legantur.
Third conjugation: present passive.
Legar: I might be read.
Num legar: ... whether I'm read.
Ut legar: ... so that I'm read.
Nē legar: ... lest I'm read.

Capiar, capiāris, capiātur,
Capiāmur, capiāminī, capiantur
Third -iō conjugation, present passive.
Capiar: I might be caught.
Num capiar: ... whether I'm caught.
Ut capiar: ... so that I'm caught.
Nē capiar: ... lest I'm caught.

Audiar, audiāris, audiātur,
Audiāmur, audiāminī, audiantur.
Fourth conjugation: present passive.
Audiar: I might be heard.
Num audiar: ... whether I'm heard.
Ut audiar: ... so that I'm heard.
Nē audiar: ... lest I'm heard.

Present subjunctive is bizarre: wE fEAr A lIAr!
Ā to Ē and Ē to EĀ, I to Ā and Ī to IĀ.
Present subjunctive is bizarre: wE fEAr A lIAr!
Stem vowel change before the –re,
Learn this now and make my day!

Present Subjunctive Passive Quiz

Present Deponent Subjunctive (Holy, Holy, Holy)

Present subjunctive is bizarre: wE fEAr A lIAr!
Ā to Ē and Ē to EĀ, I to Ā and Ī to IĀ.
Present subjunctive is bizarre: wE fEAr A lIAr!
Stem vowel change before the –re,
Learn this now and make my day!

Cōner, cōnēris, cōnētur,
Cōnēmur, cōnēminī, cōnentur...
First conjugation: present deponent.
Cōner: I might try.
Num cōner: ... whether I try.
Ut cōner: ... so that I try.
Nē cōner: ... lest I try.

Verear, vereāris, vereātur,
Vereāmur, vereāminī, vereantur...
Second conjugation: present deponent.
Verear: I might fear.
Num verear: ... whether I fear.
Ut verear: ... so that I fear.
Nē verear: ... lest I fear.

Ūtar, ūtāris, ūtātur,
Ūtāmur, ūtāminī, ūtantur...
Third conjugation: present deponent.
Ūtar: I might use.
Num ūtar: ... whether I use.
Ut ūtar: ... so that I use.
Nē ūtar: ... lest I use.

Patiar, patiāris, patiātur,
Patiāmur, patiāminī, patiantur...
Third -iō conjugation, present deponent.
Patiar: I might suffer.
Num patiar: ... whether I suffer.
Ut patiar: ... so that I suffer.
Nē patiar: ... lest I suffer.

Partiar, partiāris, partiātur,
Partiāmur, partiāminī, partiantur...
Fourth conjugation: present deponent.
Partiar: I might share.
Num partiar: ... whether I share.
Ut partiar: ... so that I share.
Nē partiar: ... lest I share.

Present subjunctive is bizarre: wE fEAr A lIAr!
Ā to Ē and Ē to EĀ, I to Ā and Ī to IĀ.
Present subjunctive is bizarre: wE fEAr A lIAr!
Stem vowel change before the –re,
Learn this now and make my day!