The imperfect subjunctive takes the present stem,
Adds -re and the endings, so the active ends
With -rem, -rēs, -ret, -rēmus, -rētis, -rent,
And works with verbs of the historical tense!
Adds -re and the endings, so the active ends
With -rem, -rēs, -ret, -rēmus, -rētis, -rent,
And works with verbs of the historical tense!
Amārem, amārēs, amāret,
Amārēmus, amārētis, amārent;
When they were loving: cum amārent.
-rem, -rēs, -ret, -rēmus, -rētis, -rent!
The imperfect subjunctive takes the present stem,
Adds -re and the endings, so the active ends
With -rem, -rēs, -ret, -rēmus, -rētis, -rent,
And works with verbs of the historical tense!
When they were loving: cum amārent.
-rem, -rēs, -ret, -rēmus, -rētis, -rent!
The imperfect subjunctive takes the present stem,
Adds -re and the endings, so the active ends
With -rem, -rēs, -ret, -rēmus, -rētis, -rent,
And works with verbs of the historical tense!
Monērem, monērēs, monēret,
Monērēmus, monērētis, monērent;
When they were warning: cum monērent.
-rem, -rēs, -ret, -rēmus, -rētis, -rent!
-rem, -rēs, -ret, -rēmus, -rētis, -rent!
The imperfect subjunctive takes the present stem,
Adds -re and the endings, so the active ends
With -rem, -rēs, -ret, -rēmus, -rētis, -rent,
And works with verbs of the historical tense!
Legerem, legerēs, legeret,
Legerēmus, legerētis, legerent;
When they were reading: cum legerent.
-rem, -rēs, -ret, -rēmus, -rētis, -rent!
-rem, -rēs, -ret, -rēmus, -rētis, -rent!
The imperfect subjunctive takes the present stem,
Adds -re and the endings, so the active ends
With -rem, -rēs, -ret, -rēmus, -rētis, -rent,
And works with verbs of the historical tense!
Caperem, caperēs, caperet,
Caperēmus, caperētis, caperent;
When they were catching: cum caperent.
-rem, -rēs, -ret, -rēmus, -rētis, -rent!
The imperfect subjunctive takes the present stem,
Adds -re and the endings, so the active ends
With -rem, -rēs, -ret, -rēmus, -rētis, -rent,
And works with verbs of the historical tense!
Audīrem, audīrēs, audīret,
Audīrēmus, audīrētis, audīrent;
When they were hearing: cum audīrent.
-rem, -rēs, -ret, -rēmus, -rētis, -rent!
The imperfect subjunctive takes the present stem,
Adds -re and the endings, so the active ends
With -rem, -rēs, -ret, -rēmus, -rētis, -rent,
And works with verbs of the historical tense!
-rem, -rēs, -ret, -rēmus, -rētis, -rent!
The imperfect subjunctive takes the present stem,
Adds -re and the endings, so the active ends
With -rem, -rēs, -ret, -rēmus, -rētis, -rent,
And works with verbs of the historical tense!
Imperfect Active Subjunctive Quiz
Imperfect Passive Subjunctive Song (He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands)
The imperfect subjunctive takes the present stem,
Adds -re and the endings, so the passive ends
With -rer, -rēris, -rētur, -rēmur, -rēminī, -rentur.
Historical sequence (just in case you're unsure).
Adds -re and the endings, so the passive ends
With -rer, -rēris, -rētur, -rēmur, -rēminī, -rentur.
Historical sequence (just in case you're unsure).
Cum amārer - "When I was loved..."
Cum amārēris - "When you were loved..."
Cum amārētur - "When he was loved..."
Cum amārēris - "When you were loved..."
Cum amārētur - "When he was loved..."
Imperfect passive subjunctive!
Cum amārēmur, - "When we were loved..."
Cum amārēminī - "When ye were loved..."
Cum amārentur - "When they were loved..."
Imperfect passive subjunctive!
Cum amārēmur, - "When we were loved..."
Cum amārēminī - "When ye were loved..."
Cum amārentur - "When they were loved..."
Imperfect passive subjunctive!
The imperfect subjunctive takes the present stem,
Adds -re and the endings, so the passive ends
With -rer, -rēris, -rētur, -rēmur, -rēminī, -rentur.
Historical sequence (just in case you're unsure).
Cum monērer - "When I was warned..."
Cum monērēris - "When you were warned..."
Cum monērētur - "When he was warned..."
Imperfect passive subjunctive!
Cum monērēris - "When you were warned..."
Cum monērētur - "When he was warned..."
Imperfect passive subjunctive!
Cum monērēmur - "When we were warned..."
Cum monērēminī - "When ye were warned..."
Cum monērentur - "When they were warned..."
Imperfect passive subjunctive!
Cum monērēminī - "When ye were warned..."
Cum monērentur - "When they were warned..."
Imperfect passive subjunctive!
The imperfect subjunctive takes the present stem,
Adds -re and the endings, so the passive ends
With -rer, -rēris, -rētur, -rēmur, -rēminī, -rentur.
Historical sequence (just in case you're unsure).
Cum legerer - "When I was read..."
Cum legerēris - "When you were read..."
Cum legerētur - "When he was read..."
Imperfect passive subjunctive!
Cum legerēris - "When you were read..."
Cum legerētur - "When he was read..."
Imperfect passive subjunctive!
Cum legerēmur - "When we were read..."
Cum legerēminī - "When ye were read..."
Cum legerentur - "When they were read..."
Imperfect passive subjunctive!
The imperfect subjunctive takes the present stem,
Adds -re and the endings, so the passive ends
With -rer, -rēris, -rētur, -rēmur, -rēminī, -rentur.
Historical sequence (just in case you're unsure).
Cum caperer - "When I was caught..."
Cum caperēris - "When you were caught..."
Cum caperētur - "When he was caught..."
Imperfect passive subjunctive!
Cum caperēmur - "When we were caught..."
Cum caperēminī - "When ye were caught..."
Cum caperentur - "When they were caught..."
Imperfect passive subjunctive!
Cum legerēminī - "When ye were read..."
Cum legerentur - "When they were read..."
Imperfect passive subjunctive!
The imperfect subjunctive takes the present stem,
Adds -re and the endings, so the passive ends
With -rer, -rēris, -rētur, -rēmur, -rēminī, -rentur.
Historical sequence (just in case you're unsure).
Cum caperer - "When I was caught..."
Cum caperēris - "When you were caught..."
Cum caperētur - "When he was caught..."
Imperfect passive subjunctive!
Cum caperēmur - "When we were caught..."
Cum caperēminī - "When ye were caught..."
Cum caperentur - "When they were caught..."
Imperfect passive subjunctive!
The imperfect subjunctive takes the present stem,
Adds -re and the endings, so the passive ends
With -rer, -rēris, -rētur, -rēmur, -rēminī, -rentur.
Historical sequence (just in case you're unsure).
Cum audīrer - "When I was heard..."
Cum audīrēris - "When you were heard..."
Cum audīrētur - "When he was heard..."
Imperfect passive subjunctive!
Cum audīrēmur - "When we were heard..."
Cum audīrēminī - "When ye were heard..."
Cum audīrentur - "When they were heard..."
Imperfect passive subjunctive!
The imperfect subjunctive takes the present stem,
Adds -re and the endings, so the passive ends
With -rer, -rēris, -rētur, -rēmur, -rēminī, -rentur.
Historical sequence (just in case you're unsure).
Cum audīrēminī - "When ye were heard..."
Cum audīrentur - "When they were heard..."
Imperfect passive subjunctive!
The imperfect subjunctive takes the present stem,
Adds -re and the endings, so the passive ends
With -rer, -rēris, -rētur, -rēmur, -rēminī, -rentur.
Historical sequence (just in case you're unsure).
Imperfect Passive Subjunctive Quiz
Imperfect Deponent Subjunctive Song (He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands)
The imperfect subjunctive takes the present stem,
Adds -re and the endings, so the deponent ends
With -rer, -rēris, -rētur, -rēmur, -rēminī, -rentur.
Historical sequence (just in case you're unsure).
Adds -re and the endings, so the deponent ends
With -rer, -rēris, -rētur, -rēmur, -rēminī, -rentur.
Historical sequence (just in case you're unsure).
Cum cōnārer - "When I was trying..."
Cum cōnārēris - "When you were trying..."
Cum cōnārētur - "When he was trying..."
Imperfect deponent subjunctive!
Cum cōnārēris - "When you were trying..."
Cum cōnārētur - "When he was trying..."
Imperfect deponent subjunctive!
Cum cōnārēmur - "When we were trying..."
Cum cōnārēminī - "When ye were trying..."
Cum cōnārentur - "When they were trying..."
Imperfect deponent subjunctive!
Cum cōnārēminī - "When ye were trying..."
Cum cōnārentur - "When they were trying..."
Imperfect deponent subjunctive!
The imperfect subjunctive takes the present stem,
Adds -re and the endings, so the deponent ends
With -rer, -rēris, -rētur, -rēmur, -rēminī, -rentur.
Historical sequence (just in case you're unsure).
Cum verērer - "When I was fearing..."
Cum verērēris - "When you were fearing..."
Cum verērētur - "When he was fearing..."
Imperfect deponent subjunctive!
Cum verērēris - "When you were fearing..."
Cum verērētur - "When he was fearing..."
Imperfect deponent subjunctive!
Cum verērēmur - "When we were fearing..."
Cum verērēminī - "When ye were fearing..."
Cum verērentur - "When they were fearing..."
Imperfect deponent subjunctive!
Cum verērēminī - "When ye were fearing..."
Cum verērentur - "When they were fearing..."
Imperfect deponent subjunctive!
The imperfect subjunctive takes the present stem,
Adds -re and the endings, so the deponent ends
With -rer, -rēris, -rētur, -rēmur, -rēminī, -rentur.
Historical sequence (just in case you're unsure).
Cum ūterer - "When I was using..."
Cum ūterēris - "When you were using..."
Cum ūterētur - "When he was using..."
Imperfect deponent subjunctive!
Cum ūterēris - "When you were using..."
Cum ūterētur - "When he was using..."
Imperfect deponent subjunctive!
Cum ūterēmur - "When we were using..."
Cum ūterēminī - "When ye were using..."
Cum ūterentur - "When they were using..."
Imperfect deponent subjunctive!
The imperfect subjunctive takes the present stem,
Adds -re and the endings, so the deponent ends
With -rer, -rēris, -rētur, -rēmur, -rēminī, -rentur.
Historical sequence (just in case you're unsure).
Cum paterer - "When I was suffering..."
Cum paterēris - "When you were suffering..."
Cum paterētur - "When he was suffering..."
Imperfect deponent subjunctive!
Cum paterēmur - "When we were suffering..."
Cum paterēminī - "When ye were suffering..."
Cum paterentur - "When they were suffering..."
Imperfect deponent subjunctive!
Cum ūterēminī - "When ye were using..."
Cum ūterentur - "When they were using..."
Imperfect deponent subjunctive!
The imperfect subjunctive takes the present stem,
Adds -re and the endings, so the deponent ends
With -rer, -rēris, -rētur, -rēmur, -rēminī, -rentur.
Historical sequence (just in case you're unsure).
Cum paterer - "When I was suffering..."
Cum paterēris - "When you were suffering..."
Cum paterētur - "When he was suffering..."
Imperfect deponent subjunctive!
Cum paterēmur - "When we were suffering..."
Cum paterēminī - "When ye were suffering..."
Cum paterentur - "When they were suffering..."
Imperfect deponent subjunctive!
The imperfect subjunctive takes the present stem,
Adds -re and the endings, so the deponent ends
With -rer, -rēris, -rētur, -rēmur, -rēminī, -rentur.
Historical sequence (just in case you're unsure).
Cum partīrer - "When I was sharing..."
Cum partīrēris - "When you were sharing..."
Cum partīrētur - "When he was sharing,.."
Imperfect deponent subjunctive!
Cum partīrēmur - "When we were sharing..."
Cum partīrēminī - "When ye were sharing..."
Cum partīrentur - "When they were sharing..."
Imperfect deponent subjunctive!
The imperfect subjunctive takes the present stem,
Adds -re and the endings, so the deponent ends
With -rer, -rēris, -rētur, -rēmur, -rēminī, -rentur.
Historical sequence (just in case you're unsure).
Cum partīrēminī - "When ye were sharing..."
Cum partīrentur - "When they were sharing..."
Imperfect deponent subjunctive!
The imperfect subjunctive takes the present stem,
Adds -re and the endings, so the deponent ends
With -rer, -rēris, -rētur, -rēmur, -rēminī, -rentur.
Historical sequence (just in case you're unsure).
Not too long from now, there will be music to go along with the words.