Active and Passive Infinitives (Miss Lucy Had Steamboat)
amāre - to love... amārī - to be loved
-āre... -ārī
First Conjugation!
monēre - to warn... monērī - to be warned
-ēre... -ērī
Second Conjugation!
legere - to read... legī - to be read
-ere... -ī
Third Conjugation!
capere - to take... capī - to be taken
-ere... -ī
Third iō Conjugation!
audīre - to hear... audīrī - to be heard
-īre... -īrī
Fourth Conjugation!
Here are a few other verbs from the four conjugations.
First: volāre, portāre, natāre, pulsāre, plorāre, clamāre, ambulāre, numerāre, spirāre, interrogāre
Second: vidēre, movēre, habēre
Third: currere, vehere, claudere, canere, emere, vīvere, dūcere, facere
Fourth: aperīre, venīre
amāre, amāvisse, amātūrum esse:
to love, to have loved, to be about to love.
monēre, monuisse, monitūrum esse:
to warn, to have warned, to be about to warn.
legere, lēgisse, lēctūrum esse:
to read, to have read, to be about to read.
capere, cēpisse, captūrum esse:
to take, to have taken, to be about to take.
audīre, audīvisse, audītūrum esse:
to hear, to have heard, to be about to hear!
amārī, amātum esse, amātum īrī:
to be loved, to have been loved, to be about to be loved.
monērī, monitum esse, monitum īrī:
to be warned, to have been warned, to be about to be warned.
legī, lēctum esse, lēctum īrī:
to be read, to have been read, to be about to be read.
capī, captum esse, captum īrī:
to be caught, to have been caught, to be about to be caught.
audīrī, audītum esse, audītum īrī:
to be heard, to have been heard, to be about to be heard.
cōnārī, cōnātum esse, cōnātūrum esse:
to try, to have tried, to be about to try.
verērī, veritum esse, veritūrum esse:
to fear, to have feared, to be about to fear.
ūtī, ūsum esse, ūsūrum esse:
to use, to have used, to be about to use.
patī, passum esse, passūrum esse:
to suffer, to have suffered, to be about to suffer.
partīrī, partītum esse, partītūrum esse:
to share, to have shared, to be about to share.
Ain’t the Infinitive Sweet? (Active)
The infinitive’s a verbal noun,
Or you could call it a verbal mood,
With tense and voice, but no person
Or number. That’s understood.
As a subject, ‘infinitive
Or a complement with 'potest’;
With accusative: ‘dīcit sē esse’
After “think,” “feel,” or “say.”
It's a verbal noun,
Or a verbal mood.
Tense and voice are found;
Person and number, it will exclude.
amāre... to love
amāvisse... to have loved
amātūrum esse... to be about to love
As a subject, ‘amāre est...’;
Or a complement, ‘amāre potest’;
With accusative: ‘dīcit sē amāre’
After “think,” “feel,” or “say.”
It's a verbal noun,
Or a verbal mood.
Tense and voice are found;
Person and number, it will exclude.
monēre... to warn
monuisse... to have warned
monitūrum esse... to be about to warn
As a subject, ‘monēre est...’;
Or a complement, ‘ monēre potest’;
With accusative: ‘dīcit sē monēre’
After “think,” “feel,” or “say.”
It's a verbal noun,
Or a verbal mood.
Tense and voice are found;
Person and number, it will exclude.
legere... to read
lēgisse... to have read
lēctūrum esse... to be about to read
As a subject, ‘legere est...’;
Or a complement, ‘legere potest’;
With accusative: ‘dīcit sē legere’
After “think,” “feel,” or “say.”
It's a verbal noun,
Or a verbal mood.
Tense and voice are found;
Person and number, it will exclude.
capere... to take
cēpisse... to have taken
captūrum esse... to be about to take
As a subject, ‘capere est...’;
Or a complement, ‘capere potest’;
With accusative: ‘dīcit sē capere’
After “think,” “feel,” or “say.”
It's a verbal noun,
Or a verbal mood.
Tense and voice are found;
Person and number, it will exclude.
audīre... to hear
audīvisse... to have heard
audītūrum esse... to be about to hear
As a subject, ‘audīre est...’;
Or a complement, ‘audīre potest’;
With accusative: ‘dīcit sē audīre’
After “think,” “feel,” or “say.”
It's a verbal noun,
Or a verbal mood.
Tense and voice are found;
Person and number, it will exclude.
The infinitive’s a verbal noun,
Or you could call it a verbal mood,
With tense and voice, but no person
Or number. That’s understood. x2
Chapter 12 - Lesson 3 - Active Infinitives
Ain’t the Infinitive Sweet? (Passive)
The infinitive’s a verbal noun,
Or you could call it a verbal mood,
With tense and voice, but no person
Or number. That’s understood.
As a subject, ‘infinitive
Or a complement with 'potest’;
With accusative: ‘dīcit sē esse'
After “think,” “feel,” or “say.”
It's a verbal noun,
Or a verbal mood.
Tense and voice are found;
Person and number, it will exclude.
amārī... to be loved
amātum esse... to have been loved
amātum īrī... to be about to be loved
As a subject, ‘amārī est...’;
Or a complement, ‘amārī potest’;
With accusative: ‘dīcit sē amārī’
After “think,” “feel,” or “say.”
It's a verbal noun,
Or a verbal mood.
Tense and voice are found;
Person and number, it will exclude.
monērī... to be warned
monitum esse... to have been warned
monitum īrī... to be about to be warned
As a subject, ‘monērī est...’;
Or a complement, ‘monērī potest’;
With accusative: ‘dīcit sē monērī’
After “think,” “feel,” or “say.”
It's a verbal noun,
Or a verbal mood.
Tense and voice are found;
Person and number, it will exclude.
legī... to be read
lēctum esse... to have been read
lēctum īrī... to be about to be read
As a subject, ‘legī est...’;
Or a complement, ‘legī potest’;
With accusative: ‘dīcit sē legī’
After “think,” “feel,” or “say.”
It's a verbal noun,
Or a verbal mood.
Tense and voice are found;
Person and number, it will exclude.
capī... to be taken
captum esse... to have been taken
captum īrī... to be about to be taken
As a subject, ‘capī est...’;
Or a complement, ‘capī potest’;
With accusative: ‘dīcit sē capī’
After “think,” “feel,” or “say.”
It's a verbal noun,
Or a verbal mood.
Tense and voice are found;
Person and number, it will exclude.
audīrī... to be heard
audītum esse... to have been heard
audītum īrī... to be about to be heard
As a subject, ‘audīrī est...’;
Or a complement, ‘audīrī potest’;
With accusative: ‘dīcit sē audīrī’
After “think,” “feel,” or “say.”
It's a verbal noun,
Or a verbal mood.
Tense and voice are found;
Person and number, it will exclude.
The infinitive’s a verbal noun,
Or you could call it a verbal mood,
With tense and voice, but no person
Or number. That’s understood. x2
Chapter 27 - Lesson 1 - Passive Infinitives (Indirect Statement)
Ain't the Infinitive Sweet (Deponent)
The infinitive’s a verbal noun,
Or you could call it a verbal mood,
With tense and voice, but no person
Or number. That’s understood.
As a subject, ‘infinitive
Or a complement with 'potest’;
With accusative: ‘dīcit sē esse’
After “think,” “feel,” or “say.”
It's a verbal noun,
Or a verbal mood.
Tense and voice are found;
Person and number, it will exclude.
cōnārī... to try
cōnātum esse... to have tried
cōnātūrum esse... to be about to try
As a subject, ‘cōnārī est...’
Or a complement, ‘cōnārī potest’
With accusative ‘dīcit sē cōnārī’
After “think,” “feel,” or “say.”
It's a verbal noun,
Or a verbal mood.
Tense and voice are found;
Person and number, it will exclude.
verērī... to fear
veritum esse... to have feared
veritūrum esse... to be about to fear
As a subject, ‘verērī est...’
Or a complement, ‘verērī potest’
With accusative ‘dīcit sē verērī’
After “think,” “feel,” or “say.”
It's a verbal noun,
Or a verbal mood.
Tense and voice are found;
Person and number, it will exclude.
ūtī… to use
ūsum esse… to have used
ūsūrum esse… to be about to use
As a subject, ‘ūtī est...’
Or a complement, ‘ūtī potest’
With accusative ‘dīcit sē ūtī’
After “think,” “feel,” or “say.”
It's a verbal noun,
Or a verbal mood.
Tense and voice are found;
Person and number, it will exclude.
patī… to suffer
passum esse… to have suffered
passūrum esse… to be about to suffer
As a subject, ‘patī est...’
Or a complement, ‘patī potest’
With accusative ‘dīcit sē patī’
After “think,” “feel,” or “say.”
It's a verbal noun,
Or a verbal mood.
Tense and voice are found;
Person and number, it will exclude.
partīrī… to share
partītum esse… to have shared
partītūrum esse… to be about to share
As a subject, ‘partīrī est...’
Or a complement, ‘partīrī potest’
With accusative ‘dīcit sē partīrī’
After “think,” “feel,” or “say.”
It's a verbal noun,
Or a verbal mood.
Tense and voice are found;
Person and number, it will exclude.
The infinitive’s a verbal noun,
Or you could call it a verbal mood.
With tense and voice, but no person
Or number. That’s understood. x2
Chapter 21 - Lesson 3 - Deponent Infinitives (Indirect Statement)
Ain’t the Infinitive Sweet? (Active/Passive... new introduction)
The infinitive’s a verbal noun,
Or you could call it a verbal mood,
With tense and voice, but no person
Or number. That’s understood.
As a subject, ‘infinitive+ est...’;
Or a complement with 'potest’;
With accusative: ‘dīcit sē esse’
After “think,” “feel,” or “say.”
It's a verbal noun,
Or a verbal mood.
Tense and voice are found;
Person and number, it will exclude.
amāre... to love
amāvisse... to have loved
amātūrum esse... to be about to love
amārī... to be loved
amātum esse... to have been loved
amātum īrī... to be about to be loved
It's a verbal noun,
Or a verbal mood.
Tense and voice are found;
Person and number, it will exclude.
monēre... to warn
monuisse... to have warned
monitūrum esse... to be about to warn
monērī... to be warned
monitum esse... to have been warned
monitum īrī... to be about to be warned
It's a verbal noun,
Or a verbal mood.
Tense and voice are found;
Person and number, it will exclude.
legere... to read
lēgisse... to have read
lēctūrum esse... to be about to read
lēgī... to be read
lēctum esse... to have been read
lēctum īrī... to be about to be read
It's a verbal noun,
Or a verbal mood.
Tense and voice are found;
Person and number, it will exclude.
capere... to take
cēpisse... to have taken
captūrum esse... to be about to take
capī... to be taken
captum esse... to have been taken
captum īrī... to be about to be taken
It's a verbal noun,
Or a verbal mood.
Tense and voice are found;
Person and number, it will exclude.
audīre... to hear
audīvisse... to have heard
audītūrum esse... to be about to hear
audīrī... to be heard
audītum esse... to have been heard
audītum īrī... to be about to be heard
It's a verbal noun,
Or a verbal mood.
Tense and voice are found;
Person and number, it will exclude.
The infinitive’s a verbal noun,
Or you could call it a verbal mood,
With tense and voice, but no person
Or number. That’s understood.
The infinitive’s a verbal noun,
Or you could call it a verbal mood,
With tense and voice, but no person
Or number. That’s understood.
Ain’t the Infinitive Sweet? (Active/Passive)Or you could call it a verbal mood,
With tense and voice, but no person
Or number. That’s understood.
As a subject, ‘infinitive
Or a complement with 'potest’;
With accusative: ‘dīcit sē esse’
After “think,” “feel,” or “say.”
It's a verbal noun,
Or a verbal mood.
Tense and voice are found;
Person and number, it will exclude.
amāre... to love
amāvisse... to have loved
amātūrum esse... to be about to love
amārī... to be loved
amātum esse... to have been loved
amātum īrī... to be about to be loved
It's a verbal noun,
Or a verbal mood.
Tense and voice are found;
Person and number, it will exclude.
monēre... to warn
monuisse... to have warned
monitūrum esse... to be about to warn
monērī... to be warned
monitum esse... to have been warned
monitum īrī... to be about to be warned
It's a verbal noun,
Or a verbal mood.
Tense and voice are found;
Person and number, it will exclude.
legere... to read
lēgisse... to have read
lēctūrum esse... to be about to read
lēgī... to be read
lēctum esse... to have been read
lēctum īrī... to be about to be read
It's a verbal noun,
Or a verbal mood.
Tense and voice are found;
Person and number, it will exclude.
capere... to take
cēpisse... to have taken
captūrum esse... to be about to take
capī... to be taken
captum esse... to have been taken
captum īrī... to be about to be taken
It's a verbal noun,
Or a verbal mood.
Tense and voice are found;
Person and number, it will exclude.
audīre... to hear
audīvisse... to have heard
audītūrum esse... to be about to hear
audīrī... to be heard
audītum esse... to have been heard
audītum īrī... to be about to be heard
It's a verbal noun,
Or a verbal mood.
Tense and voice are found;
Person and number, it will exclude.
The infinitive’s a verbal noun,
Or you could call it a verbal mood,
With tense and voice, but no person
Or number. That’s understood.
The infinitive’s a verbal noun,
Or you could call it a verbal mood,
With tense and voice, but no person
Or number. That’s understood.
The infinitive’s a verbal noun,
Or you could call it a verbal mood,
With tense and voice, but no person
Or number. That’s understood.
As a subject, ‘amāre est...’;
Or a complement, ‘amāre potest’;
With accusative: ‘dīcit bonum esse’
After “see”, “think”, “feel”, and “say.”
It's a verbal noun,
Or a verbal mood.
Tense and voice are found;
Person and number, it will exclude.
amāre... to love
amāvisse... to have loved
amātūrum esse... to be about to love
amārī... to be loved
amātum esse... to have been loved
amātum īrī... to be about to be loved
It's a verbal noun,
Or a verbal mood.
Tense and voice are found;
Person and number, it will exclude.
monēre... to warn
monuisse... to have warned
monitūrum esse... to be about to warn
monērī... to be warned
monitum esse... to have been warned
monitum īrī... to be about to be warned
It's a verbal noun,
Or a verbal mood.
Tense and voice are found;
Person and number, it will exclude.
legere... to read
lēgisse... to have read
lēctūrum esse... to be about to read
lēgī... to be read
lēctum esse... to have been read
lēctum īrī... to be about to be read
It's a verbal noun,
Or a verbal mood.
Tense and voice are found;
Person and number, it will exclude.
capere... to take
cēpisse... to have taken
captūrum esse... to be about to take
capī... to be taken
captum esse... to have been taken
captum īrī... to be about to be taken
It's a verbal noun,
Or a verbal mood.
Tense and voice are found;
Person and number, it will exclude.
audīre... to hear
audīvisse... to have heard
audītūrum esse... to be about to hear
audīrī... to be heard
audītum esse... to have been heard
audītum īrī... to be about to be heard
It's a verbal noun,
Or a verbal mood.
Tense and voice are found;
Person and number, it will exclude.
The infinitive’s a verbal noun,
Or you could call it a verbal mood,
With tense and voice, but no person
Or number. That’s understood.
The infinitive’s a verbal noun,
Or you could call it a verbal mood,
With tense and voice, but no person
Or number. That’s understood.
Infinitive Quiz
Chapter 3 - Lesson 2 - Infinitives
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